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Death Of A Hitwoman

Jane is a badass, hard-as-nails hitwoman, who has been kidnapped by the brother of one of her victims. He ties her up and threatens to kill her if she doesn't reveal the location of the gang boss who gave the order. Jane manages to break free but takes a bullet in the guts. She's unable to break through a locked door and takes another two bullets in the chest before falling to the floor and dying


Choke Point

Choke Point stars Katie and Mel as two bank robbers, who are fresh from a score. Katie is a naive criminal and this is her first bank job. She idolises Mel's master thief as she always seems to have loads of money. But there's a reason for that - Mel doesn't share scores!!!


Chased, Stabbed, & Gutted

Phoebe is running for her life, scared, desperate. She runs across the warehouse but finds the next door locked and she is trapped - a ruthless serial killer closing in . She gasps as the first stab enters her belly. She coughs up blood and she is stabbed in the stomach. Her intestines are hanging out and the killer grabs them, and twists them in his hands.


The Fur Coat Strangler

Kayleigh is amazing - as always - and her performance is really first class.  Her and her partner are getting ready for a night out. She calls out to them that she loves her new fur coat and then asks them to pass her a silk scarf to wear - but it's not her partner passing her the silk scarf: she's yet another victim of the Fur Coat Strangler!!


Front Page News 2

Chloe plays a journalist who is working on a story about government corruption. She gets too close to the truth and is strangled to death


The Death Of A Spy 3

Agent Kasey breaks into the apartment of an enemy agent in a bid to find a top secret file - but all she gets are bullets in the belly, thigh, and chest


Cable Tie Killer: Undercover

While on an undercover mission to trap a serial killer, a woman police officer is strangled and choked before being stabbed in the belly and chest.


The Spy Hunter

Rachel plays a secret agent who has been captured by a shadowy assassin known only as the Spy Hunter.


Human Target

Kasey is on top form in this tale of a cocky over-confident assassin who is lured into a fatal trap, where she is pinned down, shot and then finished off with a knife.


Standing Guard

Amber is a gangster helping to guard a shipment of illegal goods at a warehouse by the docks. A rival gang makes a play and Amber is the first to fall, after being stabbed in the belly many times.

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