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The Scarf Strangler

Emily is a young woman, home alone and lost in her book. When she hears suspicious noise she goes to investigate - only to fall victim to the Scarf Strangler.


The Stakeout

Two detectives are keeping  tabs on a warehouse when they spot a notorious gangster. They decide to make the arrest themselves so they get all the glory - but one of them pays the ultimate price for their ambition.


Blood Money

Amber P gives a great performance as a bagman in an extortion racket. Things get messy on a job and she decides she deserves a bigger cut of the money - but what she gets is a body full of bullets.


Gangland Garrotte

Kelly stars as a female gangster in the midst of a turf war with a rival gang that owes her money. Dressed in her fur coat and mini skirt with white knee socks, he angrily tells her enemies what she thinks. As she reflects on her next move, an assassin creeps up behind her and slips a silk scarf garrotte around her neck and pulls tight, strangling her. 



Mia stars as a secret agent assassin, fresh from a mission and in possession of sensitive information. An enemy agent has followed her home, and, as she undresses, he bursts through the door - gun blazing. 


The Hitwoman

Claire stars as a hitwoman who has returned home from a job. She checks in with her boss to let him know the job went well and everyone is dead. She arranges getting paid but she is double crossed and gets two bullets in her belly and one in her chest


Front Page News 3

Zoe makes her Grindhouse North debut with this double strangling featuring lots of body handling. Zoe is a reporter working late on a corruption story, which has the potential to send some powerful people to jail - and they will stop at nothing to prevent her from publishing the story.


Red Is The Colour Of Her Greed

Zara works for MI6 and has stolen a secret file to sell to an enemy agent. When the agent arrives, Zara's greed gets the better of her and she demands to be paid double. The agent responds by plunging his knife into Zara's chest and belly over and over again

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