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The Price Of Treason 2

Rebecca works for the Government and has stolen a sample of a secret prototype poison gas. The buyer betrays Rebecca and sends a black-gloved killer to take the gas and tie up any loose ends. When Rebecca turns her back, the killer pounces - choking her from behind.


The Bloody Death of Detective McCormack

The police are searching old buildings in the warehouse district for a missing person. It's slow going and Detective McCormack still has one last building to check. She enters the warehouse and cautiously looks around - little does she know, she has strayed into the liar fo a crazed serial killer.


The Search

A spy breaks into an enemy agent's apartment looking for top secret information stored on a chip. While searching the apartment, he hears the target return home early. He hides and shots Kelly many times in the belly and chest


The Deal

Romey is waiting for the coke to turn up. When her contact finally arrives, he hands her the coke in a empty suitcase. Before she knows it, his knife is in her belly and she screams in agony. As the blood flows from her guts, he stabs her chest multiple times.


The Exchange 7

Secret Agent Rachel is making a drop at an old warehouse, but is attacked from behind and choked with a garrotte pulled tightly around her neck. Her eyes bulge and her tongue pops out as she is strangled and choked to death. 


The Rat

Low level gangster Chloe is a rat and faces bloody brutal mob justice - at the end of the blade!! She is stabbed in the belly. Chloe gasps in agony and she is stabbed again in the chest, blood leaking out over her yellow blouse.


Giallo Choke

Kasey is lounging around in her nightwear when she hears a strange noise - it's Kelly’s crazed killer come to choke her.


Pinned Down

One of the most overkill slo-mos I think I've ever done. If you like over-the-top overkill shootings, slo-mo, and bare legs, naked feet, you'll appreciate this film.


Front Page News

Kirsty delivers an amazing performance as a reporter who’s been sticking her nose where it does not belong. The assassin waits until she is alone before sneaking up behind her and strangling her with his bare hands.


The Blackmailer

This brutal bloody stabbing that was first released in Dec 2021 sees the long-awaited return of fan favourite Kayleigh. Kayleigh stars as Sophie, a grifter running a blackmail scam

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