Preview: The Lonely Death of Detective Paulson

This is one of our very early stabbing films, starring Laura O, and was first released back in August 2020.

I’ve tweaked the colours and I’ve stripped back a lot of the sound design (which I used to go overboard with back in the day!!) and Laura’s performance stands out much better as a result.

This was actually Laura’s audition so I think we shot all this in two hours, so there’s zero set up.

Detective Paulson is investigating a blood cult and is searching a warehouse in a rundown part of town. Sadly for her, she runs into a cult member, who stabs her with a kitchen knife right in her chest. She screams in pain but no one is around to hear her. The cultist twists the knife and blood flows from her wound.

He raises the knife and brings it down into her chest before stabbing her a third time in her belly. She collapses on him and coughs up blood. He leaves her to bleed out and she grabs at her wounds desperately trying to stop the bleeding.

She drops to the floor and coughs up more blood as she bleeds to death.