Unload Trailer

Mia stars as a secret agent assassin, fresh from a mission and in possession of sensitive information. An enemy agent has followed her home, and, as she undresses, he bursts through the door – gun blazing. Mia is quick to her feet but she doesn’t stand a chance as as six bullets slam into her chest and belly. Blood pours from her wounds as her attacker puts his muzzle against her belly and unloads another round of bullets point black into her.

She’s tough and able to take the pain, so the agent pulls out his back up pistol and  puts both his guns against the woman’s chest and unloads his bullets into her, again point blank. He carries her to the sofa, where her shoots her over and over, point blank in the belly and then the chest. Blood mixes with gun smoke as Mia coughs up blood and dies.

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