The Terrorist Trailer

When I asked fans on my Patreon channel what films they would like to see re-released, one fan suggested The Terrorist which was first released on Patreon in May 2021. Europe in the 70s was a time of great unrest, with radicalised students turning to violence to get their messages across. One such radical is Amber, who returns home after leaving a bomb in a bag in a pub. However, the SAS and Mi5 have been monitoring her terrorist cell and a kill squad is dispatched to take care of Amber and send a clear message to other radicals. The squad kick in Amber’s apartment door and the radical jumps to her feet and raises her gun and fires, just as the first bullet hits her torso. More bullets slam into her belly and chest and blood spurts from her wounded body. The woman falls to the sofa, defiant she raises her gun again – only to be shot again multiple times in the belly and chest. She slides from the sofa to the floor and writhes in defiant agony before coughing up blood from her lungs and dying. Amber is great in this over-the-top overkill slo-mo shooting fest.

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