The Search Trailer

I’ve been asked for more body handling, so this features some wound tampering/torture and dialogue through the shooting scenes. It also features a body search post mortem.

A spy breaks into an enemy agent’s apartment looking for top secret information stored on a chip. While searching the apartment, he hears the target return home early. He hides and shots Kelly twice in the back as soon as she walks through the door.

He grabs the bleeding woman from behind and demands to know where the chip is. She tells hime where to go, and he sticks his finger in one of the bullet holes and then chokes her. She denies him once again and he sends another volley of bullets through her bloody body. She gasps and he shoots her again and again, as she coughs up blood and collapses on to the sofa. She bleeds and coughs up blood and slowly slips into death. The spy then searches her limp body and finds the chip.

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