The Rat Trailer

Low-level gangster Chloe is relaxing at home when her mob lieutenant boyfriend comes home early, stressed. The cops raided one of their warehouses and gunned down Katie and Kasey, who he was very close to. The big mob boss suspects someone ratted them out, but he has no idea who.

The lieutenant suspects Chloe might have been involved but she manages to reassure and distract him as she reaches for her knife. She goes to stab him but he manages to grab her arm and turn it round, plunging the steel of the blade into her belly.

Chloe gasps in agony and she is stabbed again in the chest, blood leaking out over her yellow blouse. She begs him to stop, but she is going to die like a rat and he stabs her repeatedly in the belly with the knife until she coughs up a lot of blood. She dies in his arms, covered in her blood.