The Intruder Trailer

A corporate spy makes his way into the office of an executive in search of a commercially sensitive file. Unfortunately, he is interrupted when the executive returns from her meetings early. She challenges him and goes to call security when she is not satisfied with the answer. He hits the receiver, disconnecting the call, and coldly tells her that he can’t let her do that. The woman realises the situation has taken a dark turn and pushes the intruder and tries to escape. The man grabs her and starts to strangle her with his bare hands. Her eyes bulge as she gasps for air. She struggles to break free from being strangled but he is too strong. She slams her body onto her desk and continues to choke the life from her. Her tongue lolls and bulges from her mouth – but she continues to fight. She pushes the man away and makes a break for it but she is tackled to the ground. The man’s hands close tight around her throat and strangle the last life from her. Her body goes limp and he lays her on the ground, retrieves the file, and leaves her dead body on the floor of her office.

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