The Blackmailer Trailer

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This brutal bloody stabbing that was first released in Dec 2021 sees the long-awaited return of fan favourite Kayleigh. Kayleigh stars as Sophie, a grifter running a blackmail scam with a photographer friend. She’s set up microphones in hotel room of some rich guy and is monitoring from somewhere in the bowels of the hotel. Sophie is excited because the rich guy is having a wild session with some women – perfect blackmail material. Just then, a man in black approaches her and asks who she is and what she’s doing. She tries to bluff, but the man reveals that he is the head of security for the rich guy and that he wants the tapes. Sophie makes a fatal mistake and tries to strong arm the man in black into buying the tapes. But this is not a negotiation and all Sophie gets is the cold steel of his blade in her belly.

She gasps in pain as the man twists the knife that’s stuck in her gut. He stabs her another three times in the belly before stabbing her right breast and stabbing again in her left breast. He promises to make her death quick if she tells him about the other people she is working work, she refuses. He stabs her again multiple times in the belly as the blood gushes from her wounded body. She coughs up blood again and again as she writhes in agony as the blade twists in her guts. She knows she will die and wants it to be quick, so she tell the man in black about the photographer. He throws her into her chair and stabs her quickly in the belly another 14 times, making her spit blood. Her white shirt is now red with her blood as it flows from her belly. She watches the man take all her tapes and notes as slowly slips away into death.

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