Killing Mitzi North Part 3 Trailer

After being mercilessly machine-gunned and stabbed and gutted, we continue our Mitzi North series with this eye-bulging strangling death scene, featuring Neave as the titular mob enforcer. Interestingly, I actually shot this over 18 months ago but could quite find the time to edit it with all the issues I had last year. So while it feels great to finally share this, some of the camera work and transitions aren’t as smooth as more recent films. Anyhoo … Grace’s mob boss has a Mitzi North problem – and it’s a big problem. She talks it over with her right hand man, talking through various ways of murdering Mitzi. They start with something simple, tried, and tested two guys armed with machine guns and pistols and a ton of bullets – but they want to make it more personal so talk through how they could stab her death. After discussing those options, they talk through how it might be more personal to break into her apartment and choke and strangle her to death with a garrotte. Mitzi is cocky and overconfident so never sees her attacker creep up behind her. The garrotte tightens around her neck and her eyes pop in terror. She fights back but cannot land a decent blow. Her face turns red and her eyes bulge as she is choked and strangled. She collapses to the floor as her attacker continues to asphyxiate her. Tears well in her eyes as her face turns purple as she as the strangle continues. With soft gasps, Mitzi finally dies.

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