Front Page News 3 Trailer

Zoe makes her Grindhouse North debut with this double strangling featuring lots of body handling.

Zoe is a reporter working late on a corruption story, which has the potential to send some powerful people to jail. A hitman is sent to her office under the guise of dropping off some files. He chokes the ambitious woman from behind. She struggles to break free but his grip on her neck is too tight and she loses consciousness. While she’s passed out, he grabs all the files pertaining to the story she’s working on and then carries her out her office.

Zoe wakes up on the sofa of her apartment, with the hitman going through her things – trying to find any file or note she may have at home. He holds her at gun point but she will not give up any information. He grabs her neck and chokes her, releasing every so often to demand she tells him where her notes are. She is tough and won’t go without a fight. As the pair wrestle on the sofa, the attacker man handles the reporter. He eventually gets tired of asking her, and strangles chokes her to death. He arranges her body to look like the victim of a burglary, find the files, and leaves her corpse.

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