Death Of A Hitwoman Trailer

First released back in December 2020 on our Patreon channel, Kasey’s performance is amazing and she really shines as badass, hard-as-nails hitwoman, Jane. She works for the Wallace crime family and is gifted a rack of fur coats as a thank you for executing three dealers from a rival gang. However, one of the dealers had a brother – who’s now out of vengeance. He wants to know where Barbara Wallace, head of the family, is hiding out and kidnaps Kasey, using chloroform to subdue her. He then takes her to a rundown warehouse and ties her up so her can torture her and get information about who ordered the hit on his sister. But Jane is tough, and will not be cracked by an amateur. She bides her time, and goads her captor into making a mistake. She elbows him and makes a break for it. Her captor raises his gun and fires – the bullet rips through Jane’s fur coat and out her stomach. She slumps forward, trying to get through the door – only to find it’s locked. She turns, defiantly trash-talking the man only to get another two bullets in her chest. Blood flows from her wounds and matts her fur coat. She crawls across the floor and coughs up blood, before rolling on to her back before finally dying from her wounds. The man then handles her body, lifting it on to an old blanket before wrapping up the dead hitwoman to carry off her corpse.

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