Deadly Ambition Trailer

There’s been a spate of women going missing across the city and the police have zero leads and are getting nowhere. An ambitious young cop and her world-weary partner get what could be a break in the case and find themselves at a rundown warehouse. Detective “Mac” MacReady is keen to call for back-up, but Detective Jackson is hungry to break the case that could make her career.

Their search leads them to an old rundown warehouse, where they split up so they can cover more ground. Both cops find evidence of bloodshed but the ambitious woman persuades her partner that calling back up would be a bad idea as they would then have to share the glory of cracking the case.

Unbeknown to both detectives, they are being watched by a deadly serial killer. Jackson realises she is in danger when she discovers the bloody body of her partner. She hunts the killer but is surprised when a blade is slammed into her belly, causing blood to spurt from her body. Then she is stabbed in the chest, again spraying blood. She stumbles, clutching her bleeding belly and chest before slipping to the ground and coughing up blood.

She sees her gun on the ground and crawls towards it. As she gets her fingers to it, her attacker walks up behind her and plunges his blade into her back. She rolls over and holds her bleeding belly, trying desperately to hold in her intestines.

The killer kneels beside her and plunges his hands into her belly, grabbing her guts and pulling them out. The ambitious detective collapses on the ground, before dying from the massive loss of blood.

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